Worship Certificate

Program Code: D-WORSHP-C
Degree Designation: Certificate
Department: Divinity School
Website: divinity.duke.edu/academics/certificates/worship

Program Summary

The certificate in worship prepares Duke Divinity students (hybrid MDiv, residential MDiv, and MA) to engage in practical formation and theoretical reflection on the worship of God in Christian congregations. The certificate serves a variety of students who carry the responsibility of weekly worship planning and leadership for their congregations (as church musicians, worship leaders, pastors, or in other roles) and students interested in the interdisciplinary academic study of worship. Through the courses offered within the certificate program, students will broaden their perspective on the history and theology of Christian worship, enhance their capacities to plan and lead worship, and reflect on the connection between worship and the broader life of the church. The approach in teaching is inclusive, not exclusive, and thus consideration is given to worship across a variety of styles, denominations, and liturgical traditions.

Lists of electives that count for certificates can be found on certificate websites (divinity.duke.edu/academics/certificates) and in Stellic (duke.stellic.com).