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Theology and Health Care Certificate

Program Code: D-THC-R-C
Degree Designation: Certificate
Department: Divinity School

Program Summary

This certificate is available to students who are not enrolled in a degree program at the Divinity School. Students enrolled in the MDiv (residential or hybrid), MTS, MA, or ThM degree programs may pursue a certificate in theology, medicine, and culture instead.

The certificate in theology and health care prepares Duke Divinity School students for robust theological and practical engagement with contemporary practices in medicine and health care. The certificate in theology and health care will be of special interest to those with vocations in health care (e.g., trainees or practitioners of medicine, nursing, and other health care professions) who seek theological formation and further confidence engaging questions of suffering, illness, and the place of health care in a faithful life.

The residential certificate is typically completed in one year of full-time residential study and formation at Duke Divinity School. Six classes must be completed to earn the certificate, though many students will choose to enroll in additional courses. One elective course may be taken as P/F with approval of the instructor.

Dual Programs with the Duke School of Medicine

The residential certificate is available to students in the Occupational Therapy program (OTD) at Duke with amended requirements integrated into the OTD degree. Students must apply and be accepted into each program separately. The program requires 5 units for completion and other integrative components.
The residential certificate is also available to Doctor of Medicine students during the third year of student counting toward the research year in the MD degree program. The program requires 6 units for completion.

Pathways for C-THC to Divinity School Degree Programs

A C-THC student may apply for matriculation in Fall to MTS, MA, MDiv (residential or hybrid) degree programs. While most do this for the academic year post the C-THC, students are eligible to come back to the Divinity School within the parameters of the Transfer Credit Policy, namely that a possible return is initiated within five years of the C-THC. The student can transfer no more than 10 units of C-THC courses to the degree program, thus more than allowed in the Transfer Credit Policy. Students who took Cultivating Christian Imagination Courses may apply for advanced placement with one or both of the CCI courses for Church History, Theology, or Ethics core courses. Some C-THC courses may count as Limited Electives for the residential MDiv and hybrid MDiv programs. Students must complete the degree requirements for each program. C-THC students who wish to apply for a degree program should start by contacting the Office of Admissions. A streamlined application process will be available, and C-THC applicants will need to follow stated admission deadlines.

Academic Requirements

  • Residential and Dual Degree: DIV THCR/MD Requirements (complete at least 6 credits)

    • Core Courses (complete 2 courses)

      • CHURHST 750 (Early and Medieval Christianity)

      • CHURHST 751 (Early Modern and Modern Christianity)

      • XTIANTHE 755 (Christian Theology)

      • XTIANETH 757 (Christian Ethics)

      • OLDTEST 752 (Old Testament Interpretation I)

      • OLDTEST 753 (Old Testament Interpretation II)

      • NEWTEST 754 (New Testament Interpretation)

      • XTIANSTU 705 (Cultivating Christian Imagination I)

      • XTIANSTU 706 (Cultivating Christian Imagination II)

      • AMXTIAN 756 (American Christianity)

    • Health Care Courses (complete all)

      • XTIANETH 761 (Health Care in Theological Context I)

      • XTIANETH 763 (Health Care in Theological Context II)

    • Spiritual Formation: Repeat XTIANSTU 707 at least 2 times

  • Dual Degree: DIV THCR/OTD Requirements (complete at least 5 credits)

    • XTIANETH 761 (Health Care in Theological Context I)

    • XTIANETH 763 (Health Care in Theological Context II)

    • XTIANSTU 705 (Cultivating Christian Imagination I)

    • XTIANSTU 706 (Cultivating Christian Imagination II)

    • OT-D 616 (Formation for Service V)

    • OT-D 617 (Capstone II)

    • Completion of OTD Capstone Experience

    • Elective

    • Presentation at OTD Scholarship Week

    • Presentation at TMC or other venue

Requirements for Residential Divinity Students and Dual Program with Doctor of Medicine

  • Completion of two core courses focused on scripture, Christian theology, and/or church history

  • Completion of XTIANETH 761 and 763 (Health Care in Theological Context), a two-semester course focused on the intersection of theology and medicine. Students may also elect to take XTIANSTU 705 and 706 (Cultivating Christian Imagination), a two-semester course that combines scripture, history, and theology in a sweeping tour of Christian tradition and the practices of Christian communities;

  • Completion of XTIANSTU 707 (Spiritual Formation and Community Engagement for Theology, Medicine and Culture), a two-semester course that combines best practices of scripture reflection, Christian spiritual formation and disciplines, and mentoring as students discern what faithful practices look like in their contexts (TMC Fellows participate together in a dedicated section of this course)

  • Optional completion of two (or more) elective courses offered within the Divinity School

Requirements for Occupational Therapy Students

  • Completion of two core courses focused on scripture, Christian theology, and/or church history

  • Completion of XTIANETH 761 and 763 (Health Care in Theological Context), a two-semester course focused on the intersection of theology and medicine. Students may also elect to take XTIANSTU 705 and 706 (Cultivating Christian Imagination), a two-semester course that combines scripture, history, and theology in a sweeping tour of Christian tradition and the practices of Christian communities;

  • One Divinity Theology, Medicine, Culture (TMC) elective or OTD elective designed for this program

  • OTD requirements:

    • OTD Formation for Service Courses I – V and OTD Capstone I, II

      • OTD Advanced Practice Course (APC) related to themes of spirituality, faith communities, and/or religious participation or a DDS TMC-approved elective

  • OTD Capstone Experience with at least one learning objective clearly connected to the C-THC

    • Presentation of Capstone Project and Experience at the DDS TMC Showcase (typically in mid-late April) or another comparable and mutually agreed upon public venue (e.g., the Conference on Medicine and Religion).

      • Presentation of Capstone project and experience at the OTD Scholarship Week